BJB articles (with co-authors).
Latest article (with Stan Franklin): B.J. Baars & S. Franklin,
An architectural model of conscious and unconscious brain functions. Neural Networks, 2007.
Baars & Franklin GW-IDA Summary in NeuralNets2007.pdf
Consciousness - Introductory articles.
Related to consciousness: Volition, Unconscious functions, Working Memory, Longterm Memories, Spontaneous Recall, Self, Animal Consciousness.
- Memory and spontaneous recall. (With Stan Franklin and co-authors)
BAARS for J Mace _ Involuntary Mems - Blackwell - BJB Uma Stan in press.pdf
- Animal Consciousness (with David Edelman and Anil Seth)
The brain basis of conscious experience.
12. BaarsRamsoyLaureysTINS_2003.pdf
Modeling: Stan Franklin's LIDA and neural net models (Shanahan, Newman & Cho).
5. Baars & Franklin TICS 2003
4. Shanahan Baars for Cognition.pdf
Newman, Baars & Cho.pdf
History and debates.
Double Life Skinner JCS.pdf
Baars-JCS Skinner reply.pdf
Dalton-Baars Life Cycle.pdf
Baars on WegnerTICSApril1.doc
Baars Sci & Ayahuasca.doc
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