Please feel free to browse the site.
Marianthe -- here is Stan's paper for the book... Stan Franklin sole author paper - rhythms+paper+v2.doc
- Consciousness: The WebCourse - for Fall 2008.
Advanced Seminar Readings FOR Saturday 2 pm (Pacific Time) --- look for the "Advanced Seminar" discussion group at http://d2l.arizona.edu.
- A new college textbook:
- Bernard Baars & Nicole Gage (2007) Cognition, Brain & Consciousness: An Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience. See the Elsevier textbook website for details.
- Scientific books about consciousness: cambridge; oxford;
- Bernard Baars - current conversations - co-workers - publications - public talks.
- brain rhythms
- EEG neurofeedback - what does it mean for consciousness?
- applying Global Worskspace Theory to the brain
- New scientific findings --- higher states in Carmelite nuns (SCIENCE magazine, 2008); more here.
Consciousness: The WebCourse - for Fall 2008
please click here:
For registration, please go to Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson:
Bernard J. Baars, PhD
September 20, 2008 - December 7, 2008
For anyone interested in contemporary understanding of consciousness
Sponsored by the University of Arizona
Center for Consciousness Studies
Tucson, Arizona.
We can explore our own consciousness (from the First Person perspective); share our experiences with others (the Second Person); and look at conscious beings from the outside (the Third Person or public point of view). These three basic perspectives organize our course.
Weekly Phenomenology Labs will adopt the First Person perspective, using personal consciousness diaries and experiential demonstrations. Our Lectures will explore new scientific findings about everyday consciousness (from the public or Third Person point of view), and talk about what we know about altered conscious states.
The Second Person emerges in ethical relations to others, interpersonal experiences, and in the brain regions involved in romantic love and parent-child attachment.
The three basic perspectives on consciousness are compatible with Global Workspace Theory, a well-known framework for thinking about consciousness. Other theoretical views will be discussed.
We will not settle the philosophical question “what is consciousness?” but we will gain a better understanding of consciousness in modern science as well as in the great wisdom traditions.
We will do our best to make Consciousness: The WebCourse fun and exciting for you, as well as thought-provoking.
The course will be presented over the web, with weekly Lectures, audio files, Web Discussions, and Phenomenology Labs for experiential exploration. It will focus on evidence and theory about our conscious experience, embracing all three classical approaches: Personal, Intersubjective, and Scientific.
To register, go to www.consciousness.arizona.edu.
Any questions? Please contact: center@consciousness.arizona.edu
Additional textbook copies can be ordered via Oxford University Press. (B.J. Baars, 1997, In the Theater of Consciousness: The Workspace of the Mind.) Oxford page is here. Used copies may be available on Alibris and similar sites.
Discussion Groups: Will be presented via the University of Arizona D2L teaching platform. You will receive registration emails.
For registered participants, you are welcome to download Readings here, including the first two chapters of the textbook.
(why do you suppose that would be?)
Aspen 2008 - Baars presentation. Baars - neurofeedback - Aspen2008.ppt
Baars - testable neurofeedback prediction: (one jpg slide): Baars - testable neurofeedback predictions Aspen08.jpg
Neurofeedback references: Neurofeedback refs.zip
Note that these are mainly "proof of principle" studies. My main emphasis is on the scientific basis, which is not sufficiently studied. My main hypotheses are stated on the jpeg file shown above --- "Baars - testsable neurofeedback predictions...". At the same time, the remarkable range of clinical conditions that are proposed to be susceptible to neurofeedback treatment is of great interest. More and better research is badly needed!
Uzi refs & pictures. Criteria for csns_C&C.pdf
Baars powerpoint for workshop on Consciousness, Brain Rhythms, and the Action-Perception Cycle.
Powerpoint of "Global Workspace Theory and LIDA: The role of conscious events in cognitive architectures."
Memphis U Institute for Intelligent Systems
April 30, 2008
1. Baars & Franklin, An architectural model of conscious and unconscious brain functions:
Global Workspace Theory and IDA. Neural Networks 20 (2007) 955–961
Baars & Franklin - Architectural GWT-LIDA - NN2007.pdf
2. Baars & Franklin, How conscious experience and
working memory interact. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.7 No.4 April 2003
Baars & Franklin 2003 - Consciousness & WM - TICS.pdf
3. Baars, The conscious access hypothesis: origins and recent
evidence. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences Vol.6 No.1 January 2002
Baars, Conscious Access GWT_TICS2002.pdf
music for andy Andy_F_Silver_Moon.mp3
Tucson, 2008 talk by Baars - Thursday am. "Beyond dichotomania." Tucs08.ppt.zip
Here are the Tucson Workshop Downloads (zip)!! Tucson Workshop Powerpoints - B&K.zip
Baars & Gage - Cognition, Brain Univ. Memphis: May 3-4, 2008. New! Quick powerpoint tutorial
& Consciousness: An Introduction "Consciousness, brain rhythms, and the Global Workspace Theory.
to Cognitive Neuroscience. perception-action cycle." click here. GWT Tutorial - check it out!
Elsevier/ Academic Press, 2007.

Elsevier/Academic Press, 2007. University of Memphis. Global Workspace - Theater Diagram
Institute for Intelligent Systems.
Professor Stan Franklin.
A website about the scientific study of consciousness.
Bernard J. Baars
and friends.
Thomas - material for hippocampus pape
WebCourse: University of Arizona Center for Consciousness Studies. (Please scroll down)
Another goodie --- Paul Sauseng et al (2007) Cross-frequency phase synchronization:
A brain mechanism of memory matching and attention. NeuroImage, in press.
This article shows how gamma (fast) and theta (slower) brain rhythms seem to coordinate visual input and visual expectations to enable memory formation and attentional selection in the human brain. If confirmed, it is a remarkable finding!
New! Kello et al (2007) The emergent coordination of cognitive function.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Volume 136, Issue 4, November 2007, Pages 551-568
(1/f fluctuations and the paradox of limited capacity cosncious processes).
NEW! Dr. Henri Montandon's Annotated Conscious Synchrony article: Melloni et al, 2007.
Two basic readings on the brain and consciousness.
Baars, B.J. (2003) How brain reveals mind: Neural Studies Support the Fundamental
Role of Conscious Experience. Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol. 10. (below)
This article makes the argument for a genuine convergence between private conscious experiences and brain studies. You are welcome to argue with that claim, of course, but please read it first...
Below is a recent update of the "theater metaphor" of consciousness in the brain, covering a number of contributions from various researchers. We can also discuss challenges to the theater metaphor. I'll post articles as points come up in the WebCourse discussions.
Baars, B.J. (2002) The conscious access hypothesis: Origins and recent evidence. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6 (1).
Here is a cool picture of the part of the brain involved in effortful actions and thoughts.
(Eisenberger, Social pain and conflict - the anterior cingulate cortex, Trends in Cognitive Sciences.)
click to download:
(it's the anterior cingulate cortex, on the inner wall of each hemisphere)
Consciousness and Brain Rhythms. link
On the science side of consciousness studies, there are some exciting developments. Regular brain rhythms, which have puzzled people for eight decades, are beginning to clarify. Some of them are associated with conscious perception, and seem to "reach out" very widely in the brain by synchronizing distant regions (compared to unconscious inputs, which support only local rhythmic synchrony.) The page link above will show you a number of readings. For copyright reasons, you should download them for instructional purposes only.
A WebCourse for Fall, 2008.

September 20 - Course starts. Discussions will be on Saturday and Sunday live, on the d2l.arizona.edu site. (Check your time zone.)
The Readings page will have the Lectures and audio files for you, if you have trouble downloading them from D2L or Yousendit.
Starting September 20, 2008:
Consciousness: The Webcourse, Fall 2008 ---
(please scroll down for details...) |
Textbook for the WebCourse.

B.J. Baars (1997) In the Theater of Consciousness: The Workspace of the Mind. Oxford University Press. Oxford page is here.
A newly published introduction to cognitive neuroscience:
B.J. Baars & N.M. Gage (Eds)
Cognition, Brain & Consciousness:
An Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience.
From Elsevier, Inc./Academic Press.
Textbook Links:

A textbook for psychology, neuroscience, and pre-medical students.
A wave of new research is transforming our understanding of the human mind
and brain. Many educational fields now require a basic understanding of
the new topic of cognitive neuroscience. However, available textbooks are
written more for biology audiences than for psychology and related majors.
This text aims to bridge that gap.
* A thematic approach builds on accepted concepts in psychology such as
working memory, selective attention, and social cognition
* Introduces the brain in a step-by-step, readable style, with gradually
increasing sophistication
* Richly illustrated in full color with clear and detailed drawings that
build the brain from top to bottom, simplifying the layout of the brain
for students
* Pedagogy includes exercises and study questions at the end of each
chapter, including drawing exercises
Companion Websites
Student's companion web site includes:
* Selected multimedia material for some of the chapters, including movies
* Study guides for all chapters
* Additional drawing exercises
* Further reading material
Instructors' manual web site:
* Image bank with all figures and legends
* "Lightbox" feature allows the collection of marked figures for
customized slides and presentations
* A set of Powerpoint lectures
* Movies that promote understanding of specific topics in the text
* Sample syllabi
* Drawing exercises and study questions with solutions to both
* Related reading materials specifically for instructors
* An advanced computational modeling software (NRM) supporting Appendix A
(Neural Models: A Route to Cognitive Brain Theory), and exercises
supporting the software
Access to Instructor's manual via registration here...
Instructor Reviews
"This is a wonderful, unique textbook...numerous helpful, vivid color
illustrations and an engaging writing style throughout, the text makes
inherently technical material accessible without losing sight of the
exciting new findings and ideas coming from the research."
Nelson Cowan
Curators' Professor
Department of Psychological Sciences,
University of Missouri
Columbia, USA
"Masterfully organized and comprehensive in its coverage, this textbook
will surely be THE introduction to cognitive neuroscience..."
Patricia Smith Churchland
UC President's Professor of Philosophy
University of California, San Diego
"...it can be read with profit by all with an interest in how the brain
supports cognition, whether student or established researcher."
Michael D. Rugg
Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
University of California, Irvine, USA
For visitors interested in future projects:
Demonstrations, brain images and experiments
Discussions, debates and new findings...
If you want to join a Conscious*Brain Web Seminar or WebCourse, please email me
- The brain basis of consciousness is now a lively frontier question. (See SCIENCE magazine, 2005)
- GWT suggests some ideas for that search. Professors Stan Dehaene and Murray Shanahan, and their coworkers, have pursued varieties of "neuronal global workspace theory". Jim Newman, before his tragic death, made important contributions. A number of others have provided ideas, questions, and challenges.
- Parallel efforts are coming from a number of researchers. I will try to keep a list of links and references here.
Soon we will have a downloadable copy of my 1988 book, A Cognitive Theory of Consciousness (published by Cambridge University Press, but soon to be in the Google book domain). This book is widely cited as the source of Global Workspace Theory, a framework for scientific evidence about human consciousness. It is still the most complete statement of the theory.

Blog updates ...
Emerging questions, and maybe a few answers...
Working papers on Global Workspace Theory (GWT), and discussion of other efforts to try to understand one of the most intriguing mysteries in the biosphere ...
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