





BJB Prof. Katie McGovern






Personal information and CV













May, 2007:


A new introduction to mind-brain science, edited by BJB and Nicole M. Gage, from Academic Press/ Elsevier textbooks:


Some enthusiastic endorsements (here)

Sample Chapters and Desk Copies. (here) 

Download: CBC_Baars_brochure.pdf



Dr. Nicole Gage (UC Irvine) - Co-Editor of CBC.





For updates on scientific studies of human consciousness, see:


Science & Consciousness Review - The latest scientific news. (A twin site to this one.)






Thomas Ramsoy --- Alice Kim's cat -- Stan Franklin --- Bill Banks --- Katie McGovern -- Sidney D'Mello --- Virgil Griffin --- Antti Revonsuo (Univ. Turku) --- Bruce Bridgeman (UC Santa Cruz) ---




 *** **check the tutorial on IDA: ***a hybrid model of consciousness and other cognitive functions. 













coming soon, with luck:






Brought to you with the support of:


Professor Katie McGovern





Some coworkers:










Other Resources:







SITE MASCOT: Bart Simpson



Our hero.






BJB Prof. Katie McGovern






Personal information and CV













May, 2007:


A new introduction to mind-brain science, edited by BJB and Nicole M. Gage, from Academic Press/ Elsevier textbooks:


Some enthusiastic endorsements (here)

Sample Chapters and Desk Copies. (here) 

Download: CBC_Baars_brochure.pdf



Dr. Nicole Gage (UC Irvine) - Co-Editor of CBC.





For updates on scientific studies of human consciousness, see:


Science & Consciousness Review - The latest scientific news. (A twin site to this one.)






Thomas Ramsoy --- Alice Kim's cat -- Stan Franklin --- Bill Banks --- Katie McGovern -- Sidney D'Mello --- Virgil Griffin --- Antti Revonsuo (Univ. Turku) --- Bruce Bridgeman (UC Santa Cruz) ---




 *** **check the tutorial on IDA: ***a hybrid model of consciousness and other cognitive functions. 













coming soon, with luck:






Brought to you with the support of:


Professor Katie McGovern





Some coworkers:










Other Resources:







SITE MASCOT: Bart Simpson



Our hero.